It is imperative that in undertaking the eviction process, those acting are covered by insurance. All High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEO, formerly known as sheriffs officers) have as a condition of their appointment professional indemnity insurance.
The National Eviction Team and High Court Enforcement Group deal with evictions, whether from residential property, commercial premises or by forfeiture of commercial premises on a daily basis all over the country.
Purpose-specific insurance
A purpose-specific policy has been developed and appropriate insurance cover is available for every eviction.
Those who undertake hazardous work in environments, such as confined spaces below ground or at height may well have insurance cover for such activities.
There is, however, a material difference in the risk where those activities are part of a construction contract for the rescue of trapped individuals, and the removal of protesters who, by definition, are unwilling to leave and will have put themselves at risk of injury.
A letter from our broker is available upon request.
Our insurance covers the following:
- High Court Enforcement Officers
- Sheriffs officers
- Certificated enforcement agents
- The enforcement of High Court writs
- Removal of protestors from height and underground depth (trees and tunnels)
- Site evictions
- Pre and post-execution surveillance
- Security guarding and shepherding
We hold the following levels of cover:
- Employee liability cover - £25 million
- Public liability cover - £10 million
- Professional indemnity cover - £3 million
A word of caution - check the adequacy of cover
When considering which HCEO to use to undertake an eviction that involves removal of protesters at height and below ground, please check that they have the correct level of insurance cover in place, to avoid incurring any liability if there are any mishaps and claims arising as a result.
A "rescue" level of cover is NOT adequate - these people are actively resisting, not being rescued, which increases the risks significantly.
When appointing the National Eviction Team, you can rest assured that we are adequately covered to undertake this unusual occupation.